How To Be In Flow
I had a great experience about being in Flow yesterday. I thought I should be working on an email, the one I’m doing right now (that has turned into a blog).
Because prices for the Mount Shasta retreat are going up on Sunday. I should let everyone know. And yet… I was completely stuck. I didn’t feel like it. I couldn’t budge my creativity or find any part in me that wanted to do the email.
After about three hours… I know! It takes a while sometimes… I finally decided to do something else. I turned my attention to what I thought was a second priority. I wanted to do it. I was inspired. But it was not the first priority.
But dropping my “should,” or my “made up” agenda, and doing something else was like opening up the floodgates.
I started at two or three in the afternoon, took a dinner break and finished working at 12:30pm (I never worked out late!). Done! In the Flow. Focused. Crunching numbers. Hurdling technical challenge and 100% finishing the project.
Not only was my desk transformed… I can see the surface of my desk after months of the project being spread out….. I received a good dose of energy.
The energy boost came not only from doing the project, including my desk getting clear, it also came from the feeling of success, of accomplishment, of “yes I can!”
Successes boost our confidence and provide us with energy for moving forward.
Success Boosts
I recently saw a UTube video of a Admiral giving a commencement speech to some graduates and one of his main pieces of advice it Is to:
Make your bed in the morning.
Buy making my bed in the morning I start the day with a success. And even though it’s a little thing, it makes a difference. Here’s the clip
But not only did I get energy from the success, but I feel like I got energy from the Flow itself. I’m usually in bed by 10:30 and I wasn’t dosed on caffeine. In the Flow I was naturally energized, focused and inspired.
Natural and With Ease
Being in Flow also has an ease to it. In Flow I can feel a movement of energy that feels aligned, natural and at ease. Even if Flow happens for a moment, like with a synchronicity that shows up, the energy of Flow is energizing, inspiring and easy—non effort.
And what a great lesson! How often do we push ourselves when life, and the Flow are calling us somewhere else? Often enough!
Mine Was a Lesson in Trust![](
In that trust I had to not to listen to my mind about what I thought I should do. To give up beating myself up because I wasn’t doing it and instead honor what was really happening.
When I Feel Stuck
When energy is stuck my practice is to surrender into the Great Allowing. In the Great Allowing something else can happen. In the Great Allowing I’m aligning myself with the movement of the Life Force Energy that is always happening, everywhere.
In the case of yesterday, when I was stuck for those three hours I was in my contracted “shoulding” self. In letting go and trusting that I can put down the heaviness of what was not working, that nothing that bad was going to happen, it allowed me to turn towards something that did have movement and energy in it for me.
For me I have consistently noticed that flow takes trust! If I didn’t have trust in the Greater Something of life, If I didn’t trust that Life knew it was doing as me, then I could not have let go of my agenda and allowed something else happened.