Mindfulness Meditation and the Art of Mindful Living
6 Tuesdays beginning October 2
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Includes: All day silent retreat, Saturday November 3, 9am – 4pm, at a beautiful Sonoma County location.
Cost: $127
Learn and practice the basics of mindfulness meditation and mindful awareness.
- Learn tools and techniques for calming the mind and emotions.
- Gain more mindful presence in your daily life.
- Understand the benefit of mindfulness for overcoming difficulties.
- Understand the importance of mind training for: ~ Calming the nervous system ~ Re-wiring the brain ~ Helping to overcome habits ~ Strengthening your prayer practice ~ Enjoying your life more ~ Improving your ability to be present
Learn to meditate or strengthen your meditation practice
Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk and mindfulness meditation teacher says this about mindful breath meditation:
“To meditate with mindful breathing is to bring body and mind back to the present moment so that you do not miss your appointment with life.”
In this class you will learn and practice basic breath meditation. You will also learn to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and sensations in such a way – mindfully – so that you can gain more mastery in your life, more peace and more ease.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is about paying attention to what is happening right now, just as it is, without judgement, without pushing it away or grasping after it. It is about being present to and for what is happening moment by moment. Some call mindfulness “bare awareness.”
In the present is where healing happens
Bringing our attention over and over again back to the present moment calms down the nervous system, connects us to our mind and body and builds within us a deeper sense of self. This deeper sense of self is a connection to the core of our being – that which we truly long to be and which we already are.
What others have said about this class
“I recommend this class to anyone and everyone! It was an incredible journey back to myself and to the present moment.” –MM
“Lauren is an excellent teacher and mentor. Her methods of teaching meditation and her calm spirit really helped me at a time in my life when I really needed it.” –ED
“Want to learn meditation? Take this class!” –JH
6 Tuesdays beginning October 2, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Plus a day long retreat Saturday, November 3, 9am – 4pm.
Center for Spiritual Living, 2075 Occidental Rd. Santa Rosa. Retreat is in a beautiful Sonoma County location.
Cost: $127
Book (purchased separately):
Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Register: click here.
Day Long Retreat:
The retreat is open to former class participants or those who have an established meditation practice. $55 in advance, $60 at the door.
To Register for the Retreat Only, Link coming soon.
Class Registration click here.
For Info: call 707-971-0340 or email at lauren.dargesATgmail(dot)com.
Facilitated by Lauren Darges, RScP. 
Lauren, Religious Science Practitioner, brings to this class more than 30 years of daily meditation practice and a passion for the transformation of consciousness. She embodies and blends her training in meditation, metaphysics and trauma healing to bring tools for grounding and integrating the heart, mind, body and emotions. Read more.