One Year Later – After the India Flood
It has been one year since my return from India. The blessings strings I received at the Chandra Devi Temple are still tied securely around my wrist, reminding me of the fearless, compassionate love of the Divine Mother.
Following is what I wrote when I got back last July:
To begin: You may have heard that our two-week silent retreat in the Himalayas was interrupted by the flooding of the great Ganges. Our foot bridge was washed out and we had to be evacuated via helicopter.
The lessons: Faith, Surrender, Acceptance.
The experience:
Extreme vulnerability in facing the unknown and realizing how fragile the human form is
Awe at watching the great Ganges change course before our eyes
Deep meditation juxtaposed with emergency packing and ever changing backup plans
Gratitude and love for the villagers who led the way over the steep path to the helipad
Profound joy at being reunited with the group after I was helicoptered (with 4 others) to a different location than everyone else; and utter amazement at arriving at the rendezvous hotel (in a small town seemingly in the middle of nowhere) 5 minutes before the bus filled with our fellow retreaters /refugees arrived
Bliss in eating a warm paratha (Indian flat bread with potatoe) at the hotel’s humble indoor/outdoor restaurant with my fellow companions after a full day of travel and being an official refugee
Disbelief at the conditions of our host ashram in Hardiwar (after the evacuation)
Acceptance that we were to stay there for a week and finish the retreat
Grateful for our host ashram in Hardiwar (loved those chapatis and grew very fond of the microphoned, not-always-in-tune chanting, done faithfully every day with love. I can still hear the devotional melody in my head.)
Transformation from the deep allowing, acceptance, surrender and adaptability that was called on from us during the entire retreat experience…. over and over again.

Reflecting on the changes. Standing where the Ganges roared three days earlier – now a large beach after the river burrowed a new path.
Lasting impression:
Renewed faith on a deep level that I am still looking for adequate words to describe. My heart is changed. I feel like I experienced true spirituality (whatever that is) and it has struck me deeply.
My chant to myself in that last week in Hardiwar after the evacuation: “In all these names and forms my Lord. In all these names and forms (you are there).”
Teachings (one of many from Swamiji):
Swami Atmavidyanada in one of his lectures talked about iron and gold. He asked, why is gold more valuable than iron? His answer: because gold is malleable. He said, make yourself malleable and you will make yourself valuable.

A brick I found washed up on the rocks outside the ashram. A symbol of what had happened. In Hindu mythology there are 3 gods who represent creation: Bramha the Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer, Shiva the Destroyer. The Ganges River is said to originate from the top of Shiva’s head.
My affirmation whenever the uncertainty in the Himalaya flood situation push my edges: I am malleable.
(I recommend this affirmation for gaining flexibility and strength when your limits feel pressed. For me it was an immediate cure.) I am malleable.
Now… bringing it home. The same lessons apply in family life, over and over again.
Oh Lord, may your love pervade my heart in such a way that I may continually be a vessel of Your love in all my relations, in all my actions, in all my choices. In all these name and forms my Lord, in all these names and forms…. there You are.
Om God.
With Love,