Tame Your Triggers:
Five Essential Tools to Help You Get Strong and Stay Centered Through Emotional Upset.
6 Tuesdays, April 24 – May 29
6:30 to 8:30pm
Center For Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
Starts Tonight!
To register simply show up at 6:15 tonight with check or cash:
Center for Spiritual Living
2075 Occidental Rd, Santa Rosa
Get a handle on your triggers. Learn and practice the latest body-mind techniques to help you shift stressful emotional patterns and gain more emotional strength and ease.
Ground to your inner strength.
Untangle sabotaging triggers.
Gain more ease and steadiness in your life and your relationships.
Feel better.
Do You Want To:
- Be more centered and connected to yourself?
- Be more mature in your relationships?
- Have more capacity when under stress?
- Deepen your confidence and authenticity?
- Gain more ease and steadiness in your life?
- Express yourself with more safety and freedom?
- Feel more anchored and at peace?
You’ll Explore And Practice:
- EFT Meridian Tapping – for calming down inner activation.
- Mindfulness – for becoming aware and noticing on a deeper level.
- Self-Compassion – for healing the self-critic or judge.
- Meditation – for supporting your mental stability.
- The Power of Slowing Down – the biggest key of them all.
You’re Going to Learn:
- Leading body-mind techniques to take the edge off of your emotions.
- How an emotional hijack works and why it takes over.
- The top 3 things to do when you feel a hijack coming on.
- How to be truly present in your experience instead of being taken over by it.
You’ll Get Effective Tools to Help You:
- Calm down.
- Loosen your internal knots.
- Have more control over your reactivity.
- Be more of an adult in your relationships.
- Experience more peace and ease.
- Create shifts in limiting patterns, emotions and tendencies.
Register Here $130 for 6 Tuesdays, April 24 – May 29, 6:30 to 8:30pm
You’ll Find Out:
- Where triggers come from and why they are still here.
- How EFT Tapping is more than just a goofy technique.
- Mindfulness practices that transform your internal knots.
- Why self-compassion is so good for you.
How These Tools Work
And, by the way, this is not about getting rid of anything. It is about integration.
In this work I stop resisting and pushing away my pain, fear, anxiety, worry.
In acceptance is transformation.
In acceptance I face what is actually happening.
Then it can stop chasing me and I can tend to what is needed.
This is where the tools are essential and are so effective.
Self-compassion for our suffering.
Mindfulness for becoming aware of the signs of activation and being present with our upset.
Tapping for easing the upset and then perhaps going deeper to the roots of the trigger.
What This Means for You
Trauma (big or little) happens when we were overwhelmed in some way and we did not get the support, or the conditions were not right, for us to fully integrate the experience. The energy of that experience, part of our life force, then gets stuck in the nervous system. These become subconscious triggers later on.
When we show up for ourselves, by tending to our upset in a new way, we are giving our nervous system something it didn’t get originally. This way it can relax and unwind itself.
Triggers, big or small, are like eddies in our nervous system. When they are resolved, that energy is reintegrated back into our life stream, like the dam around an eddy being released. The water is free to flow with the main current again. This means more of you is available …. for yourself, for your life.
For me, it meant I could be more of an adult in all areas of my life. What a relief this has been for me. I could speak more clearly in a business meeting. “Grumpy for no reason” left my emotional background field. I could stay more calm when others were upset. It has been especially profound in how I am in my closest relationships.
Give yourself the gift of more resiliency and ease. Join me on this six week adventure into emotional regulation and integration.
This is What Others Have Said About This Class:
– An ideal class for anyone looking to bring some balance into their emotional life. The tools taught are life-changing!
– This class provided a great tool that is useful for shifting many levels of emotional and thought patterns.
– This class provided the means to a happier-ever-after for me.
– This class has had practical benefits that have helped me with family and a difficult boss. I feel freer!!
– It works—really works.
– Lauren went way beyond Tapping to a deeper place of understanding myself.
– I had a few life affirming experiences (in this class). I feel so much better for having taken the class.
– Tapping and other techniques I learned in class have helped me reduce the stress and anxiety of a grief issue from a “10” to a “0.”
– It added to my awareness and my waking up.
Get tools. Use them. Change your life.
When: 6 Tuesdays: April 24 – May 29, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Cost: $130
Where: Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
2075 Occidental Rd., Santa Rosa
To register simply show up at 6:15 tonight with check or cash.
For more info: lauren.darges@gmail.com or 707-971-0340
Your Facilitator: 
Lauren Darges has a 30+ year meditation practice and a passion for the transformation of consciousness and healing the heart. With training in spiritual counseling, Somatic Experiencing® trauma healing, EFT – Meridian Tapping, Mindfulness, Non-Violent Communication, and the Four Agreements, Lauren offers an effective combination of tools and techniques for calming the nervous system, dealing with triggers and building capacity for living life with more ease and resiliency. She maintains a private practice in Sebastopol, leads meditation retreats and workshops, and is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner at the Center for Spiritual Living serving as a prayer practitioner, regular speaker, and teaching classes in spiritual development and mindfulness.
“Lauren lives her talk.” ~Student, Tame Your Triggers
For more info: lauren.darges@gmail.com or 707-971-0340